Home Nyheter Intervju: Han är NeuroVives nye styrelseordförande

Intervju: Han är NeuroVives nye styrelseordförande

Intervju: Han är NeuroVives nye styrelseordförande

8 november, 2017

Igår meddelade NeuroVive Pharmaceutical Greg Batcheller avgått efter 17 år som bolagets styrelseordförande. Till ny styrelseordförande utsågs sittande ledamoten David Laskow-Pooley, som i en kort kommentar refererade till att bytet beslutats efter att två större ägargrupper i bolaget, Baulos Capital och Maas Biolab, efterfrågat ett större oberoende mellan styrelse och bolagsledning. Idag har BioStock fått möjlighet att genomföra en längre intervju med NeuroVives nye styrelseordförande David Laskow-Pooley.
How would you introduce yourself to BioStock’s readers: Who is David Laskow-Pooley, the new Chairman of NeuroVive’s Board of Directors?
– I am a pharmacist who has worked in many different roles within the Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medtech and Diagnostic sector. I have a thirst for curiosity and exploring the art of the possible. I like to find transformational opportunities and, above all, I believe that it is people who make things happen and when people are empowered and inspired, then true transformation does actually occur.
And what are your thoughts on NeuroVive, the company and its research, in brief?
– NeuroVive is a company with a long history, well rooted in mitochondrial science. Its research demonstrates that it has a great understanding of its core focus. Like most of the companies in Bioscience it has suffered setbacks, but it has been building its team steadily throughout this period and I believe is well positioned to move forward with a diversiefied and well balanced project portfolio. NeuroVive’s goal is advancing these projects and bringing novel treatments to the market, thus building shareholder value and repaying the loyalty shown by many.
You have some 30 years of experience in the pharma industry, from companies such as Abbot and GlaxoSmithKline. How do you intend to make your mark as Chairman of Neurovive?
– Over the many years with large, mid- and small pharma and biotech companies I have gained valuable expertise and insight into how to encourage the development of a discovery into the tangible reality of a product – and how that can and does translate into value for all stakeholders and shareholders. I tend to think large yet act nimble and look to encourage, empower and inspire all those I work with to exceed expectations. I understand how large and mid-size pharmaceautical companies operate and how we, as a small company can best interact with them.

»I believe that we are only scratching the surface of the impact that mitochondria play in the operation of the human body and diseases.«
– David Laskow-Pooley, Chairman of NeuroVive Pharmaceutical

Which NeuroVive projects do you find particularly intriguing?
– I really like the fact that we have a diverse and balanced portfolio. These are underpinned with our core research in, and understanding of, the mitochondria and mitochondrial disease. I believe that we are world class in this area. I also believe that we are only scratching the surface of the impact that mitochondria play in the operation of the human body and diseases.
– In reference to our current projects, we have seen encouraging developments in our NeuroSTAT project, which is aimed at treating traumatic brain injuries, and our KL1333 project for genetic mitochondrial diseases. While we are seeing good progress in all of our projects, the key is to know when to proceed or to move on, or when to seek collaboration, licensing or sale. That said, the mitochondrial space does provide many new areas to explore when we have fully exploited those currently in development.
What specific challenges would you say lie ahead for NeuroVive as a company?
– Our challenges are very similar to many others companies in the same stage of development: bridging the rather large divide that exists between the establishment of data through research, and translating this into a language that is seen as value for the mid- and large pharma companies. Delivering on this over the next 12-18 months will be a key challenge for us going forward.
And finally, what will be your primary focus in your new role as Chairman of the board?
– My primary focus will be our shareholders, management team, science and our potential market. Uncertainty is a natural part of the pharmaceutical and bioscience fields, and it is important for us to address this uncertainty through clear and transparent communication, relating both to the progress of our projects and to our overall business strategy.
Läs också: NeuroVive får positivt utlåtande om särläkemedelsklassificering, Orphan Drug Designation, för KL1333.
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