Home Interviews Watch the interviews from BioStock Investor Meeting!

Watch the interviews from BioStock Investor Meeting!


Watch the interviews from BioStock Investor Meeting!

26 September, 2023

With so many exciting companies present during the Investor Meeting, BioStock could not miss the chance to learn more about their activities. BioStock’s reporters ventured into the mingle to interview representatives of the presenting companies about project status and what’s next for them.

Watch the interviews below.

IconovoHenrik Simonsen, CFO
WntResearchPernilla Sandwall, CEO (in Swedish)
LipumEinar Pontén, CEO (in Swedish)
OrexoNikolaj Sørensen, CEO
PharmNovoPer von Mentzer, CEO

BrainCoolMartin Waleij, CEO
CyxoneCarl-Magnus Högerkorp, CEO
AdjuTec PharmaBjørn Klem, CEO
CombiGenePeter Ekolind, CEO
Annexin PharmaceuticalsAnders Haegerstrand, CEO
AptahemMikael Lindstam, CEO (in Swedish)
DicotElin Trampe, CEO (in Swedish)
SynartroMia Brundin, CEO

The content of BioStock’s news and analyses is independent but the work of BioStock is to a certain degree financed by life science companies. The above article concerns a company from which BioStock has received financing.

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