BiBBInstruments CEO: “First order sends positive signals”
For BiBBInstruments, 2024 revolved around clinical evaluation. The company is now kicking off the new year with its first order for EndoDrill GI, from US clinic UC Davis Health. BioStock reached out to CEO Fredrik Lindblad to learn more about this commercial milestone.
EndoDrill GI is the world’s first electric-driven biopsy instrument for endoscopic use. It is designed to facilitate the sampling of high-quality core tissue biopsies, improving the chances of early and accurate cancer diagnosis for gastrointestinal tumours. The product is market-cleared in both Europe and the U.S., and the company has been working on clinical validation by introducing the instrument to several clinics in these regions.
During this preparatory phase ahead of a broader commercialisation, the instrument has, for example, been tested at UC Davis Health in California, U.S. The evaluation has already resulted in a scientific publication in Endoscopy International Open. The data included the first eight patient cases, reporting 100 per cent diagnostic accuracy after a single needle pass. In half of the cases, EndoDrill GI was compared to a conventional needle, where it demonstrated superior tissue samples.
Confirms position as a premium product
Following the successful evaluation, UC Davis Health has now chosen to become BiBBInstruments’ first paying customer. The initial order of single-use instruments is limited in scope, but placed at a premium price point, which the company views as a positive indication that the innovative product is highly valued.
The commercial phase of the company’s market launch has now begun, and the company hope that more clinics will follow in UC Davis Health’s footsteps. EndoDrill GI is currently being tested at several hospitals in Europe, while production of the single-use instruments is being transferred to a new contract manufacturer to scale up production capacity for what lies ahead.
It’s no secret that BiBBInstruments has drawn the attention of several potential distribution partners. Discussions are ongoing, and the company’s first commercial order will likely strengthen its negotiating position.
CEO comments
BioStock spoke with CEO Fredrik Lindblad to get his thoughts on this milestone.
Fredrik, you’ve secured your first paying customer in the U.S. From a broader perspective, what does this order mean for BiBBInstruments?
– The order is an important confirmation that we’ve developed an innovative biopsy instrument that meets a significant clinical need. It also marks a milestone for the entire team, which has put in countless hours to reach this point. The timing of the order is also excellent, as it supports our discussions with potential distribution partners this spring.
What are the chances of follow-up orders from UC Davis Health?
– We do of course hope that UC Davis Health will continue using EndoDrill GI for tissue sampling, and we view this positively.
How have you approached pricing for EndoDrill GI, given the results you’ve achieved with the product?
– We believe that the high sample quality of EndoDrill GI, along with the other benefits of the powered system, justifies a price for the single-use instrument that is approximately twice that of comparable manually operated single-use instruments.
You’re in discussions with potential distribution partners. What message does this first order send to them?
– I believe it sends very positive signals, that we, as a small Swedish innovation company without our own sales organization, have managed to sell EndoDrill GI to a leading university hospital in the U.S. Imagine what we could achieve with a distribution partner backing us!
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