Home News CLS makes progress in prostate cancer in Europe and the US

CLS makes progress in prostate cancer in Europe and the US


CLS makes progress in prostate cancer in Europe and the US

12 April, 2024

Clinical Laserthermia Systems has treated its first prostate cancer patients in Italy and secured additional orders and agreements in the US. In addition, the company has presented initial clinical data from the study at Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands.

Clinical Laserthermia Systems (CLS) develops and sells TRANBERG Thermal Therapy System, offering focal therapy with laser ablation. Focal therapy selectively eliminates diseased tissue, such as tumours, with high precision and accuracy through high heat generated by laser light. The CLS laser applicator is placed in the target tissue using image guidance.

Need for safer treatment of prostate cancer

The company’s TRANBERG system can be applied in neurosurgery, localized prostate cancer, and oncology. Currently, CLS puts significant emphasis on market expansion within the prostate cancer segment to secure its share of this substantial target market.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, with over 1.4 million new cases worldwide annually, approximately 350,000 of them within the EU. Today, patients with localized prostate cancer are primarily treated with radiation or radical prostatectomy (surgery), which is associated with significant risks and side effects such as erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. Focal laser ablation with the CLS TRANBERG system is a minimally invasive and safer treatment option, with lower risks of side effects.

First patient cases in Italy

Recently, CLS announced that two patients with localized prostate cancer have been treated with the TRANBERG system at San Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital in Turin, Italy. This marks the first time that CLS’s product has been used on Italian patients, a milestone in the company’s commercialisation and expansion in Europe.

The urology department is well renowned and has long experience in targeted prostate biopsies and focal therapy. The clinic performs approximately 450 prostatectomies and more than 50 focal therapy treatments annually. According to CLS, the workflow for the TRANBERG system resembles the process of targeted biopsies, making the implementation of the system a natural next step for the clinic. Dr. De Luca, who performed the treatments, is satisfied with the system:

»”By using our own ultrasound-fusion system for image guidance, we were able to place the TRANBERG Laser Applicators exactly as planned. The integrated tissue temperature control feature of the TRANBERG system was essential to performing precise and safe ablations in these patients. Altogether, we are very pleased with the efficiency and ease of use of this system.«

The experience from the clinic is expected to facilitate the continued expansion in both Italy and other key markets in Europe. CLS’ VP Sales Europe, Perjan Pleunis, emphasizes that Italy is one of the most important markets in Europe, both in terms of market size and knowledge of focal therapy.

Initial data from the Radboud study

CLS has also made progress in the study of prostate cancer. During the European Congress of Radiology, ECR, initial clinical data from the investigator-initiated study at Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands were presented. The goal of the study is to investigate the feasibility and safety of the MRI-guided TRANBERG system together with MR thermometry through the CLS Thermoguide for precise ablation control for the treatment of localized prostate cancer.

Principal Investigator Professor Jurgen Fütterer and his team summarised the initial experiences and data from the first six patients in the study. The results indicate a good oncological response and potential improvements in urinary and sexual function. This supports the hypothesis that TRANBERG enables more precise tissue ablation without damaging vital adjacent structures. Read the abstract here.

Second order from National Institutes of Health

In parallel with the development in Europe, CLS is also making progress in the US. The company recently received a second order from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for accessories for the TRANBERG Thermal Therapy System. The single-use instruments will be used for the ongoing research collaboration with the NIH evaluating the clinical benefit of the TRANBERG products for image-guided (MRI/ultrasound) focal laser ablation for the treatment of prostate cancer.

The goal of the collaboration is to demonstrate that image-guided focal laser ablation is a safe and effective treatment option without the typical side effects often associated with radiation and surgical procedures.

MSP agreement with ROSE Urology

At the end of March, CLS announced that its subsidiary CLS Americas had signed an agreement with ROSE Urology in Florida, USA. The clinic will use the company’s product system for the treatment of patients with prostate cancer, in accordance with the CLS’ Mobile Service Provider model. The model enables clinics to gain quick access to the TRANBERG system and choose from a variety of services according to a fee-per-procedure basis.

The company aims to secure more MSP deals in the US and increase its reach in the prostate cancer segment.

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