Home News BioStock Investor Pitch: Biosergen

BioStock Investor Pitch: Biosergen

BioStock Investor Pitch: Biosergen – vd Tine Kold Olesen 

BioStock Investor Pitch: Biosergen

18 March, 2024

In the BioStock Studio, Swedish Biosergen talks about the company’s vision, market plan and strategy to take its product through the first patient study and on towards a global market. Strengthened by its recent agreement with Alkem, the company intends to advance its antifungal drug candidate BSG005 further by an ongoing rights issue of SEK 40.5 million.

Watch Biosergen’s CEO Tine Kold Olesen present the company in a BioStock Investor Pitch below.

YouTube video

This material has been created for marketing purposes and is not and shall not be deemed to constitute a prospectus under applicable laws and regulations. The complete terms and conditions of the rights issue and more information about the company have been presented in a prospectus that was published on biosergen.net March 5 2024.

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