Home Interviews Dicot’s LIB-01 presented at the SMSNA congress

Dicot’s LIB-01 presented at the SMSNA congress

Dicot presents LIB-01 at american congress

Dicot’s LIB-01 presented at the SMSNA congress

12 October, 2023

The Sexual Medicine Society of North America holds its annual convention at the end of November. One of the items on the agenda  is Dicot’s drug candidate LIB-01, which will be presented by Professor François Giuliano, a well-known expert in the field. The presentation will introduce the scientific community to the research results of LIB-01. BioStock reached out to CEO Elin Trampe to find out  what this means for the company.

Uppsala-based Dicot is developing the drug candidate LIB-01 for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The goal is to offer a treatment with a significantly longer duration and fewer side effects compared to current alternatives. The company recently initiated a phase I study aimed at evaluating the candidate’s safety in humans.

Recognized at SMSNA

The company has received a lot of attention for its research and at the end of November, LIB-01 will be presented at the Sexual Medicine Society of North America’s (SMSNA) annual congress. The congress, which takes place in San Diego, brings together leading experts, researchers and physicians to discuss the latest findings in the field of sexual medicine.

During the event, Professor François Giuliano, a prominent French urologist and researcher, will present the candidate and the research behind it. Professor Giuliano is described as a prominent voice in the field and is also one of the founders of Pelvipharm, the contract organisation that performed all the preclinical efficacy studies with LIB-01.

Great enthusiasm for the project

He has previously expressed great enthusiasm for LIB-01’s mechanism of action, that it differs from today’s drugs and has the potential to offer a new and better treatment to all patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. The presentation at the SMSNA will highlight the mechanism of action and the positive efficacy results seen in the preclinical program.

“I am delighted to introduce the exciting findings regarding LIB-01, including its extended duration of effect and its differentiated mode of action, which sets it apart from currently available drugs. In my daily interactions with patients experiencing erectile dysfunction, I am acutely aware of the pressing need for new improved treatments. LIB-01 has the potential to make a meaningful impact”, comments Professor Giuliano.

Comments from the CEO

BioStock has spoken to Dicot’s CEO Elin Trampe, to find out more about what this means for the company.

Elin Trampe, CEO Dicot
Elin Trampe, CEO Dicot

What expectations do you have when LIB-01 is presented to the profession at the SMSNA congress?

– The goal is simply to reach out with our fantastic results internationally and the expectations and beliefs are that more people will open their eyes to LIB-01 and what we do. The US is a key market for our future product and the SMSNA is therefore the perfect scene for us. SMSNA is an arena for the highest standards of practical medicine and human sexual health research.

What does it mean for Dicot to have such a prominent name as François Giuliano supporting your project?

– The fact that Professor Giuliano is the one presenting LIB-01 will give our research extra attention and credibility. I would like to say that all eminent clinicians and researchers in the field of sexual medicine and urology know and have great respect for Professor Giuliano and his work. So, he adds a level of quality assurance to our results.

What interest have you seen in LIB-01 so far?

– We are noticing a great deal of interest, from several different directions. Everything from active doctors and researchers in sexual medicine and urology, to men who suffer from potency problems and who contact us and want to know more about LIB-01 and when the product can be released on the market etc. The great need for new drugs in the field is consistently evident in these contacts, where the interest in the long duration of action that we have demonstrated with LIB-01 is also very evident.

What are the plans for the continued marketing of the project?

– In addition to continuously working very actively with communication to the investor market and our shareholders, we are now intensifying our efforts to reach out more internationally. Our participation in the SMSNA is one step in this direction, another example is BIO-Europe in Germany in November. Moreover, we are currently planning for an additional trips to the US with the aim to reach both investors and expand our visibility on the scientific scene.

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