Home News Elicera’s potential in cancer therapy published in Nature Communications

Elicera’s potential in cancer therapy published in Nature Communications


Elicera’s potential in cancer therapy published in Nature Communications

15 August, 2023

Elicera Therapeutics uses CAR T-cells as a basis for two of its four cancer immunotherapy programmes. The ELC-401 programme addresses challenges in treating solid tumours, glioblastoma specifically, where the microenvironment is extremely hostile to immunotherapies. Through a recent article published in Nature Communications, Elicera sheds light on the potential of the CAR T construct used within ELC-401.

Elicera Therapeutics has positioned itself as a prominent contender in the realm of cancer treatment through its ongoing innovation and research efforts. The company’s strategy revolves around the use of oncolytic viruses and CAR T-cells, bolstered by bystander immune activating properties integrated into the iTANK platform (Immunotherapies Activated with NAP for efficient Killing). Read more about Elicera’s platform and its potential beyond liquid tumours here.

A Focus on the CAR T construct and manufacturing precision

CAR T-cell therapies involve the genetic modification of T-cells, a type of immune cell, telling them to produce a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) on their surface. The CAR molecule enables them to recognise and attack cancer cells. CAR T technology is quite novel. In fact, only six such therapies have been FDA-approved, and they all target blood tumours – none target solid tumours. This is mainly due to the hostile solid tumour microenvironment, making it extremely challenging for CAR molecules to target specific tumour antigens.

However, through a publication in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Communications, researchers outline how Elicera’s CAR T construct embedded within the ELC-401 programme could have significant therapeutic potential. The article titled “Complementarity-determining region clustering may cause CAR-T cell dysfunction” delves into the intricate interplay between the CAR molecule and its designated target – the IL13Ra2 receptor. According to the article, the CAR T construct gives the T-cells the ability to navigate the complex tumour microenvironment and the antigenic diversity inherent in glioblastoma treatment. This represents a significant advancement in the development of novel therapeutic approaches for cancer.

Moreover, the IL13Ra2 receptor is overexpressed in about 75 per cent of all glioblastomas, but also in a number of other solid tumours such as colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and melanoma, making Elicera’s therapeutic potential quite significant.

The article also underscores the meticulous screening during the manufacturing process of CAR molecules. This precise approach guarantees the generation of CAR T-cells capable of sustained action against tumour cells over extended periods. This is of paramount significance, particularly in averting relapse – a recurring challenge in CAR T-cell therapies.

Perspective from Professor Essand and future implications

Professor Magnus Essand, Chief Scientific Officer at Elicera, expressed his satisfaction: “We are very pleased that we were able to publish the work in Nature Communications, which is a highly respected and broad journal that reaches out to the entire scientific community.” His remarks encapsulate the importance of Elicera’s achievement and its implications for the wider scientific landscape.

Overall, the publication is a form of validation of Elicera Therapeutics’ innovative force within the realm of cancer therapy. It comes shortly after the recognition of an important EU patent last month relating to Elicera’s iTANK platform. These milestones are sure to resonate, not only within the scientific community, but with investors as well.

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