Home Interviews Alligator Bioscience’s CEO on the rights issue

Alligator Bioscience’s CEO on the rights issue


Alligator Bioscience’s CEO on the rights issue

8 May, 2023

Alligator Bioscience is developing tumour-directed antibody-based treatments against cancer. At the beginning of the year, the company reported positive interim results from the OPTIMIZE-1 phase II study in pancreatic cancer with lead candidate mitazalimab. Since then, Alligator has not slowed down. The company is now carrying out a rights issue of approximately SEK 199 million. Alligator’s CEO Søren Bregenholt visited the BioStock Studio to tell us more.

Watch the interview with Alligator Bioscience’s CEO Søren Bregenholt below.

YouTube video

This material has been prepared for marketing purposes and is not and should not be considered a prospectus under applicable laws and regulations. The full terms and conditions of the rights issue and more information about the company have been presented in the EU Growth Prospectus published at alligatorbioscience.se on 26 April 2023. The EU Growth Prospectus has been approved and registered by the Financial Supervisory Authority. The marketing material is not intended to replace the EU growth prospectus as a basis for decisions to subscribe to shares in Alligator Bioscience and does not constitute a recommendation to subscribe to shares in Alligator Bioscience. Investors intending or considering investing in Alligator Bioscience are therefore advised to read the EU growth prospectus.

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