Home Interviews Interview with Synact Pharma about the changes in the company

Interview with Synact Pharma about the changes in the company

Synact Pharma om förändringar i bolaget

Interview with Synact Pharma about the changes in the company

3 April, 2023

Biotech company Synact Pharma visited BioStock’s studio to talk about changes in the management and board. With upcoming phase II data during the autumn 2023, the company will focus more on business development. As a consequence, the current chairman Torbjørn Bjerke takes over as CEO when Jeppe Øvlesen steps down at the annual general meeting in May. 

See the interview with the outgoing CEO Jeppe Øvlesen, new CEO Torbjørn Bjerke och CSO Thomas Jonassen here:

YouTube video

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