Home News Strong premiere for Executive Insights in Stockholm

Strong premiere for Executive Insights in Stockholm

Strong premiere for Executive Insights in Stockholm

Strong premiere for Executive Insights in Stockholm

4 April, 2023

How should life science companies capture investors’ interest in a difficult financial environment? What is important to consider when it comes to the company’s brand? How to succeed with partnering? These were some of the topics during the premiere of Executive Insights at the World Trade Center in Stockholm.

On Thursday, BioStock and the co-organisers SDS Life Science and DNB welcomed about a hundred specially invited guests to World Trade Center in Stockholm. The event provided an opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors in life science to network, discuss and exchange experiences on several current topics.

Keynote speakers made impressions

One of the keynote speakers, brand expert Cecilia Perlind, emphasised the importance of a sustainable brand strategy. She also talked about how a strong brand can contribute to the growth of a company.

The other keynote speaker, economist and author Kjell A Nordström, highlighted external factors and trends we have to relate to. He discussed various strategic choices life science companies need to make to be successful in a changing world.

He also talked about the value of successfully establishing “temporary monopolies” in the market. Companies in the life science world can usually achieve this with the help of a strong IP portfolio, but also through groundbreaking innovations.

Strong premiere with many participants

The program also included presentations and panel discussions with specialised life science investors such as HealthCap, Flerie Invest, Linc, Sound Bioventures and Almi Invest. The list of speakers also included company leaders who shared their experiences of partnering and commercialisation with a focus on the US market.

We caught one of the speakers, Martin Åmark, CEO of Xbrane Biopharma, for a short interview. During the event, Åmark talked about how Xbrane has worked actively with partnering strategies since day one. The audience heard about the work behind the various collaboration agreements the company has managed to conclude over the years.

Watch the interview with Xbrane Biopharma’s Martin Åmark below.

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