Female entrepreneurs in focus for Feminvest
Feminvest is Sweden’s largest network for female entrepreneurs and investors with nearly 45 000 members. The purpose of the network is to inspire women to start companies and increase female ownership through education and network meetings. Feminvest also has a network of angel investors who are interested in investing in female-owned companies. Femtech and life science are two areas of specific interest for Feminvest and they have previously arranged a meeting for female company leaders and investors in the sector. Learn more about the organisation and the plans for 2023 from Feminvest’s Event and Partnering Manager Elin Myrström.
Female entrepreneurs generally find it more difficult to attract venture capital to their companies than male entrepreneurs. According to a report from Unconventional Ventures, only 1.1 per cent of capital raised in the Nordic region in 2021 went to companies with female founders. Feminvest wants to change this.
Feminvest was founded in 2015 by Laika Consulting. Since January 2020, it is a separate company with a clear ambition to reach a more equal ownership and society. Feminvest educates and inspires around investments and entrepreneurship through the website, podcast, social media, educational meetings and other events. The next big event is FEARLESS, which is organised on International Women’s Day on March 8 in Stockholm.
A growing investment network supports female-owned companies
In addition to educational activities, the company also has a rapidly growing network of female business angels who are offered investment opportunities. Through the angel-investor network, many female-owned companies have found new investors. Providing capital to women entrepreneurs is important, not least to inspire more women to dare to start their own companies.
Interview with Feminvest
The CEO of Feminvest is Michaela Berglund who also runs a podcast together with Elin Myrström, the company’s Event and Partnership Manager. BioStock contacted Elin Myrström to learn more about Feminvest and their future plans.
Elin, could you first tell us briefly about your professional background and how you got into Feminvest?

– I am a “people person” and I have worked with leadership and sales in many different industries where I have met a lot of people, which I love! But during the pandemic, like many others, I had to rethink my professional career and began to learn more about stock trading. It is a pretty harsh environment in many of these forums, so I searched for other investor networks where I would fit in and came across Feminvest.
– I went to Feminvest’s event on International Women’s Day 2022 and now, almost a year later, I am part of Feminvest and get to contribute to increased female ownership – cool huh?!
In what way does Feminvest support female entrepreneurs and investors?
– Education and knowledge are keys to becoming a good investor. We organise meetings both digitally and in several Swedish cities, with different topics linked to savings and investments. Networking and learning from each other have many positive consequences, such as gaining a deeper understanding and becoming a braver investor.
– In recent years, we have helped many female entrepreneurs to raise capital through our angel network. During the spring, we will further develop our entrepreneurial offer. The exciting news will be launched already next week!
»In recent years, we have helped many female entrepreneurs to raise capital through our angel network. During the spring, we will further develop our entrepreneurial offer. The exciting news will be launched already next week«
Do you see any difference between how women and men invest?
– We can see differences already at a young age where parents purchase stocks to boys and funds to girls. This gives them a mindset already from the start about being more careful when it comes to investments. Feminvest is a player that makes a difference by talking about all the investment opportunities both on and off the stock market, as well as the importance of savings for future returns.
– Other differences that we can see are that women more often tend to look for companies that work actively with sustainability – both when it comes to environmental aspects, but also from a gender equality perspective.
Could you highlight any exciting life science investment that has been made within Feminvest’s network?
– There has been a great interest in investments in digital e-health platforms aimed at women. To mention a few, Ella and Ovulai are two excellent companies.
What challenges and opportunities do you see in investing in life science?
– As in any type of investment, it is important that you understand what you are investing in. You need to be well-read and do solid research and, if possible, also talk to experts in the field to get a full understanding of investments in life science. The potential upside is big, but so is the risk.
»As in any type of investment, it is important that you understand what you are investing in. You need to be well-read and do solid research and, if possible, also talk to experts in the field to get a full understanding of investments in life science. The potential upside is big, but so is the risk.«
– Investing in life science interests many people. Not only because there are opportunities for good returns, but also because you can contribute to a positive development for humanity. We see that many women have as a criterion when they invest to also do good for others, not just for their own wallets.
As event manager at Feminvest, what upcoming events would you say you must not miss?
– Our all-day event FEARLESS, which takes place in Stockholm on International Women’s Day on March 8. This will be a magical event aimed at both female entrepreneurs and investors, with several inspiring speakers and companies on stage that will provide great added value to the participants. We will have a Founders Lounge for entrepreneurs who may be looking for capital or a co-founder. There will be food, drinks, fantastic entertainment and also a nice goodie bag. You must not miss it!
»We have so many exciting things this year! We continue to expand our business to more cities. We are also expanding our team of ambassadors with different competences in investment and entrepreneurship«
Finally, what are your ambitions and goals with Feminvest in 2023?
– It is bubbling and we have so many exciting things this year! We continue to expand our business to more cities. We are also expanding our team of ambassadors with different competences in investment and entrepreneurship to continue educating both through digital and physical meetings. We follow up the success from the autumn where we continue to educate women on how to invest in unlisted companies. At our event FEARLESS, we will tell you more about the news regarding our entrepreneurs.
The content of BioStock’s news and analyses is independent but the work of BioStock is to a certain degree financed by life science companies. The above article concerns a company from which BioStock has received financing.