Home Interviews PolarCool boosted by 5-year clinical study results

PolarCool boosted by 5-year clinical study results

PolarCools VD Erik Andersson besökte BioStock Studio för att diskutera resultaten från en 5-årig klinisk studie med PolarCap publicerad i Journal of Neurotrauma

PolarCool boosted by 5-year clinical study results

20 October, 2022

Medtech company PolarCool has developed PolarCap, a medical device that actively cools down the brain in the acute phase of an injury to decrease concussion symptoms. Results from a 5-year clinical study with the device have just been published in the Journal of Neurotrauma, and PolarCool’s CEO Erik Andersson stopped by the BioStock Studio to discuss the results.

Watch the interview with PolarCool‘s CEO Erik Andersson below:

YouTube video

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