Home Interviews BioStock Studio: Elicera’s immuno-oncology platform iTANK reaches high-impact journal

BioStock Studio: Elicera’s immuno-oncology platform iTANK reaches high-impact journal


BioStock Studio: Elicera’s immuno-oncology platform iTANK reaches high-impact journal

6 April, 2022

Gothenburg-based gene therapy company Elicera Therapeutics recently announced the publication of a scientific article describing the mechanism-of-action of its universal CAR T-cell enhancement technology platform iTANK. The publication came in Nature Biomedical Engineering, one of the highest ranked scientific journals in the world. CSO and co-founder Professor Magnus Essand joined BioStock Studio via link from Uppsala to tell us more about iTANK and the importance of this publication.

Watch the full interview with Elicera’s CSO and co-founder Professor Magnus Essand in the link below.

YouTube video

For additional context on CAR T therapies and how Elicera’s iTANK platform addresses some of the current challenges in the field, Professor Essand answered some questions at SWECARNET’s Educational Day on April 27, 2022. Watch the interview here.

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