Home News BioStock Investor Pitch: ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies

BioStock Investor Pitch: ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies


BioStock Investor Pitch: ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies

19 April, 2022

Biotech company ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies develops protein-based vaccines using its platform technology ExpreS2. Today, the pipeline consists of projects in four  indications: covid-19, breast cancer, influenza and malaria. The company is currently carrying out a rights issue of 73 million SEK to finance the completion of preclinical studies within the breast cancer project ES2B-C001, as well as to further develop the pipeline and strengthen its platform technology. CEO Bent U. Frandsen tells us more about ExpreS2ion’s vision in today’s BioStock Investor Pitch at 10:00.

See ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies CEO Bent U. Frandsen presents the company, in English, below.

YouTube video


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