Carbiotix om den nya CarbiAXOS-processen
Lundabaserade Carbiotix har under de senaste veckorna kommit med en rad nyheter. Bolaget har genomfört ett utvecklingsarbete med produktionsprocessen av sina prebiotiska fibrer CarbiAXOS. Dessutom kan bolaget konstatera ett ökat intresse för diagnostiktjänsten LinkGut. Utöver detta ska bolaget göra förändringar i ledning och styrelse. Vd Kristofer Cook kommenterade till BioStock.
Foodtech-bolaget Carbiotix utvecklar en ny generation prebiotiska modulatorer, CarbiAXOS, och en avancerad diagnostisk testservice, LinkGut, för bättre tarmhälsa och mikrobiom.
Utvecklad produktionsprocess
Nyligen meddelade bolaget att man genomfört ett utvecklingsarbete i produktionsprocessen av CarbiAXOS. Arbetet medför en rad fördelar jämfört med den gamla metoden, exempelvis fördubblar man produktionsutfallet. Dessutom är processen inte längre beroende av ett enzym.
Under 2022 använde Carbiotix ett enzym från en tredje part i tillverkningen. För att CarbiAXOS ska kunna användas som ingrediens i livsmedel i USA, behöver den bli klassad som säker, GRAS – Generally Recognized As Safe. Enzymet från tredje part behövde också bli godkänt, vilket försenade hela Carbiotix godkännandeprocess.
Men den nya tillverkningsmetoden kan Carbiotix producera modulatorerna utan enzym. Bolaget kan dock använda ett enzym om man vill utöka produktionen ytterligare eller rikta in sig på särskilda CarbiAXOS-produkter.
Flera vinster med den nya processen
Utöver vinsterna med högre produktionsutfall och enzymoberoendet, kan Carbiotix peka på ytterligare fördelar med den nya produktionsprocessen.
Bolaget konstaterar att den godartade hälsoeffekten potentiellt kan bli högre genom att de nu mer komplexa fibrerna leder till ökad produktion av kortkedjiga fettsyror (SCFA). Dessa fettsyror spelar en avgörande roll för hälsotillståndet i tarmen.
Dessutom kan Carbiotix nu basera sina produkter även på ärtor och havrefiber, förutom majskli, vilket ökar flexibiliteten. Ytterligare vinster i den förbättrade processen är att det går åt mindre energi och färre processkemikalier än tidigare.
Ökat intresse för LinkGut
Carbiotix har inte bara arbetat med tillverkningsprocessen. Under den senaste tiden har bolaget även utvecklat diagnostiktjänsten LinkGut. I mars rapporterade Carbiotix om ett framgångsrikt samarbete med sina tidiga partners för att förbättra tjänsten.
Förändring i ledning och styrelse
Förutom produktutvecklingen har Carbiotix annonserat förändringar i ledning och styrelse. COO Erik Deaner ska ta över som ny vd och nuvarande vd Kristofer Cook är föreslagen som ny ordförande vid årsstämman den 2 juni. Till detta möte är även två nya ledamöter föreslagna till styrelsen, Geir Harstad och Jörgen Kamph.
Vd kommenterar
BioStock kontaktade Kristofer Cook för en kommentar om de senaste nyheterna och om de närmaste framtidsplanerna.
Could you briefly explain how the new production process can double the yield?
– Our new second-generation CarbiAXOS process is able to at least double yields by both allowing for more raw material to be processed at the same time or increasing total solids being processed, and increasing the amount of active ingredient that can be extracted from each unit of raw material.
– The products are of a higher quality in terms of their complexity and thus their potential bifidogenic effect and impact on SCFA production.
– As we did with our first-generation process, we need to validate this the second-generation process at our production site in Bjuv after our process upgrades are completed in April.
You have reported that you have improved the LinkGut service as well. Could you tell us more about these developments?
– Our LinkGut service is continually improving across all three core areas of where we derive our competitive advantage: cost leadership, flexibility and reliability.
– Recently, our ability to work with logistics partners has allowed for bulk shipping and significant reductions in shipping costs.
– We have also been able to offer increased flexibility with regards to the branding of partner kits and separating kit components allowing for localised kit construction.
– We will continue to embrace cost leadership, flexibility and reliability as guiding principles and position Carbiotix as a competitive player in the overall microbiome testing service industry.
Jumping to the next topic, Carbiotix has announced changes in the management and board. What will your focus be as new chair?
– My focus as the proposed new Board chair will be to firstly ensure that I have the most competent board possible, and secondly, see that the company is doing all that it can to fulfil its milestones.
– There however seems to be some misunderstanding of my role in the company going forward. Since expressing an interest to take on the role of board chair, I would naturally also be unable to continue being CEO from simply a good governance standpoint.
– In terms of my work at the company, I will still continue allocating 100 per cent of my time at least in the near to medium term on Carbiotix related activities, focusing on business development and sales.
– Since co-founding Carbiotix over 8 years ago, I have built up a very good understanding of our technology and market, as well as contacts across all segments. It would a very poor decision and completely ineffective to not leverage this experience and knowledge as much as possible.
– At the same time, I have full faith in Erik Deaner’s ability as the incoming CEO and think he will do a fantastic job. Of course, still working 100 per cent, I will work alongside Erik to ensure that the transition is smooth, always providing support if needed.
Finally, what do the two new board members bring to the company?
– The two new proposed Board members Geir Harstad and Jörgen Kamph will bring key knowledge we currently do not hold within the current board. While our Board today has suited the company very well as we began to scale-up our process and transition to active sales activities, the new Board members will bring key industry knowledge, business development and sales experience.
– As this will also be my core focus, I wanted to bring in Board members who would be able to support my efforts on both a strategic and operational level. Geir has a depth of experience from large to small companies and in our target nutraceutical market segment. Jörgen has very practical sales and business development experience that can be leveraged in marketing materials, customer reach out, trade shows and other promotional activities, in addition to advanced negotiations.
– While it will be sad to see my current Board colleagues leave and have sincerely appreciated their contributions, I look forward to the new Board composition as we ramp up sales activities.
Läs mer om Carbiotix på bolagets hemsida.
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