Home Intervjuer BioStock Studio: Alligator Bioscience’s CEO on the latest data

BioStock Studio: Alligator Bioscience’s CEO on the latest data

Alligator Bioscience's CEO on the latest data

BioStock Studio: Alligator Bioscience’s CEO on the latest data

24 mars, 2022

Lund-based biotech company Alligator Bioscience recently announced safety data from the phase II trial with lead candidate mitazalimab in pancreatic cancer in combination with chemotherapy mFOLFIRINOX. CEO Søren Bregenholt visited BioStock’s studio in Lund to comment on the data and to update on the ongoing activites in the company.

Watch the full interview with Alligator Bioscience‘s CEO Søren Bregenholt in the link below.

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