Italiensk distributör uttrycker förtroende för Chordate Medicals migränbehandling
Italien är Chordate Medicals hittills mest aktiva marknad, mycket tack vare distributören Vedise Hospital som har genomfört ett gediget försäljningsarbete av K.O.S för behandling av rinit. Nu när Chordate har erhållit CE-märkning inom kronisk migrän kommer K.O.S även kunna lanseras som migränbehandling i Italien, vilket Vedise Hospital har stora förhoppningar och planer för enligt en intervju med BioStock.
Chordate Medicals behandlingsmetod K.O.S är sedan länge CE-märkt för behandling av rinit (kronisk nästäppa), men nu har produkten även CE-märkts för behandling av kronisk migrän hos vuxna över 18 år. Godkännandet, som kom ett år tidigare än vad bolaget förutsett, möjliggör att K.O.S kan börja säljas och marknadsföras även som migränbehandling inom EU.
Bolagets behandlingsmetod är densamma för både rinit och migrän, men marknaden för migränbehandlingen är betydligt större. Den globala läkemedelsmarknaden för behandling av migrän beräknas uppgå till cirka 83,7 miljarder SEK år 2026 enligt Global Data Healthcare report (2017).
Italien – Chordates Medicals viktigaste marknad
Sedan 2019 har Chordate Medicals distributör Vedise Hospital sålt K.O.S för behandling av rinit till åtta kliniker i Italien. Distributörens marknadsförings-och försäljningsarbete har genererat goda försäljningsresultat, särskilt före pandemin, och därmed har den italienska marknaden blivit Chordate Medicals viktigaste och mest aktiva marknad.
Tack vare CE-märkningen som Chordate Medical erhöll i maj kommer den italienska distributören nu kunna introducera K.O.S som migränbehandling. Det redan etablerade nätverket av kliniker för behandling av rinit kommer vara en viktig nyckel för att snabbt nå ut med migränbehandlingen på den italienska marknaden. Planen är att aktivera redan befintliga kliniker men även nya kliniker i norra och mellersta Italien.
Vedise Hospital kommenterar CE-märkningen och potentialen
Vedise Hospital är en väletablerad aktör på den italienska marknaden som har levererat medicintekniska produkter till offentliga sjukhus och privata kliniker i över 30 år. Distributören har ett nära samarbete med den medicinska professionen, särskilt inom neurologi vilket kommer vara fördelaktigt vid lanseringen av Chordate Medicals migränbehandling.
BioStock kontaktade Vedise Hospitals vd Valter Varano för att höra hans syn på potentialen i Italien för K.O.S som migränbehandling.
First of all, can you tell us a bit about Vedise Hospital and your modus operandi when you are introducing a new product, or engaging in a new medical discipline – what makes you successful compared to your competitors?
– Vedise Hospital has operated in the medical device distribution sector for over 30 years. In recent years, we have gained experience, skills and important knowledge. Human resources is one of our most valuable assets, as many of our employees have worked in our company for over twenty years and have increased their competence and professionalism. The constant contact with medical professionals has created the right synergy of cultural exchange between pathology and available treatments. We are, therefore, the perfect link between doctor and patient.
– All this has forged our DNA and allowed us to have a natural flow in the methodical and professional approach to the healthcare market. Before commercialisation, all the products in our portfolio undergo a market testing process conducted by the best medical specialists in the sector who verify the products’ performance and safety.
What was your reaction when Chordate Medical received CE marking for the chronic migraine treatment K.O.S. (one year earlier than expected)?
– We have a lot of confidence in this company. Over the years, Chordate Medical has shown a high level of professionalism, so we were confident that they would achieve this milestone. Our experience in K.O.S. technology for the treatment of non-allergic rhinitis has given us great motivation to move forward and find the right indication and therapeutic method. The satisfaction of the treated patients, as well as their enthusiasm towards receiving the treatment, have been a significant source of pride for us. We have received the news of the CE marking of K.O.S in chronic migraine with great enthusiasm. It will give many patients the opportunity to find the right therapeutic option for such a debilitating disease.
»Over the years, Chordate Medical has shown a high level of professionalism, so we were confident that they would achieve this milestone.«
What is your plan to be able to start selling K.O.S as a treatment for chronic migraine as soon as possible?
– We know many neurologists because Vedise Hospital has for many years dealt with the sale of products and services dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea, called OSAS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome). Neurologists are diagnostic sentinels within this indication. We are therefore thinking of combining a Neurologist for diagnostics and an Otolaryngologist for treatment in a single K.O.S. centre. The Otolaryngologist is already familiar with the K.O.S. system and knows how to best use the device as s/he is an expert in nasal anatomy. After all, the therapeutic approach involves the insertion of a catheter in the nose for a few minutes.
What has the market demand been like for the K.O.S treatment of rhinitis?
– We started in 2019 with a great interest shown in K.O.S. for the treatment of chronic rhinitis. There was also a lot of interest in K.O.S in the sports world due to the approaching Tokyo Olympics. K.O.S. can be used by all athletes because, since it is not a drug treatment, it does not interfere with the strict anti-doping rules for professional sporting events. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed down diagnosis and treatment over the past 12 months. But these days, with the slowdown in new Covid cases, great attention is again being paid to the product.
– Two medical scientific experiments were presented at the National Congress of the Italian Society of Italian Otolaryngology, which was held in Milan last week, with renowned doctors in attendance.
Finally, how do you view the potential in Italy for Chordate Medical’s treatment method in chronic migraine?
– The potential in Italy is great. There is a lot of attention being paid to this pathology, so much so that the Italian government has classified migraine as a chronic disease and thus has invited the scientific world to evaluate alternatives to today’s treatments.
– K.O.S. will surely be a valid therapy. Our mission for the near future will be to make this technology known to the highest possible number of doctors and patients, especially through our training and information campaigns. We can count on a database of about 400,000 doctors to whom we will send the first sets of information on K.O.S for the treatment of chronic migraines.
»Our mission for the near future will be to make this technology known to the highest possible number of doctors and patients, especially through our training and information campaigns.«
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