Kommersiella möjligheter med 2cureX nya avtal
2cureX har som mål att introducera sitt cancertest IndiTreat på den europeiska marknaden nästa år. I veckan slöt bolaget ett kommersiellt avtal med ett av de största privata cancersjukhusen i Norden med syfte att utvärdera IndiTreats användbarhet i klinisk praxis. Att motpartens due diligence landade i ett avtal, förefaller vara ett ypperligt kvitto på testets kommersialiserbarhet inför marknadsintroduktionen. BioStock kontaktade Maarten van der Linden, Chief Business Officer, för en kommentar.
IndiTreat är ett test som har utvecklats av 2cureX för att assistera onkologer i att ta fram den bästa behandlingen för den enskilde cancerpatienten genom att testa patientens respons mot av godkända läkemedel eller läkemedelskombinationer. Detta görs genom 3D-mikrotumörer som framställts från en liten del av patientens biopsi.
Tekniken kan, utöver att identifiera läkemedelsbehandlingen som den enskilda patienten kan antas svara på, även avgöra vilken behandling som patienten är resistent emot. Detta kan komma att spela en viktig roll i morgondagens cancervård då just läkemedelsresistens är orsaken till att så många cancerpatienter dör av sina sjukdomar.
Målet är att sluta avtal med fyra cancercenter innan 2020
Inför EU-lanseringen nästa år har 2cureX som ett förberedande mål att ingå kommersiella avtal med fyra innovativa cancercenter på utvalda europeiska marknader innan årsskiftet. Syftet är att dessa samarbeten ska positionera IndiTreat-testet i daglig klinisk praxis och ge värdefull information om den praktiska implementeringen av IndiTreat i det befintliga arbetet med cancervård. IndiTreat är därtill utformat för att stödja redan befintliga diagnostiska processer för individualiserad cancerbehandling.
Jättemarknad lockar
Den potentiella marknaden är stor, 2cureX bedömer att 377 000 patienter per år i Europa skulle kunna vara tillgängliga för individanpassad cancerbehandling. Bolaget har uppskattat marknadsstorleken för IndiTreat till 11 miljarder kronor årligen.
»For 2cureX, this agreement is very important for the future success of IndiTreat. In our Pre-Launch we want to collaborate with innovative clinics, the early adopters of new technologies in the field of cancer care. […] We believe that a successful pre-launch phase will not only be very beneficial in terms of operational experience with IndiTreat but also will provide a spill-over effect to other clinics.« – Maarten van der Linden, CBO på 2cureX
Nedan förklarar Chief Business Officer Maarten van der Linden varför avtalet med den ej ännu kommunicerade cancerkliniken kan komma att spela en betydelsefull roll i när man bäddar för det hägrande första delmålet i sin expansion – marknadsintroduktionen.
Maarten, you have made an agreement with one of the largest private cancer hospitals in the Nordic countries. Can you reveal any additional details about the deal?
– Throughout the year we have said that we would like to “Pre-Launch” IndiTreat in some selected markets in order to gain experience with the IndiTreat test in daily clinical practice. Our clinical partner is very interested in implementing a functional test such as IndiTreat and trough this collaboration they have the opportunity to evaluate the test in their own hospital setting.
In your press release, you stated that the deal is an important milestone on your path to launching IndiTreat in 2020. What part does the agreement play for your commercial opportunities?
– For 2cureX, this agreement is very important for the future success of IndiTreat. In our Pre-Launch we want to collaborate with innovative clinics, the early adopters of new technologies in the field of cancer care. There’s a lot of focus on the implementation of new technologies in the field of cancer care and especially individualized treatment, and we believe that a successful pre-launch phase will not only be very beneficial in terms of operational experience with IndiTreat but also will provide a spill-over effect to other clinics.
Can you briefly describe your overall launch strategy?
– Our overall launch strategy is to establish several agreements for the implementation of the IndiTreat Test with leading cancer centers in Europe. At the same time, we’re evaluating commercial partnerships to strengthen a broad availability of the test either through Commercial Diagnostic labs or through other commercial partnerships. Beyond Europe, we are also evaluating the go to market approach in the USA as well as on Asian markets.
Does the agreement state which cancer form the hospital will use IndiTreat for?
– The Agreement is focused mainly on Colorectal Cancer.
2cureX is currently running eight clinical programs with the aim to improve the ability of IndiTreat to identify the most effective medical treatment for each individual cancer patient. Why are you running such a broad clinical validation program?
– Our clinical program is important for our interaction with decisionmakers in the field of cancer care; on the longer term, to really make the IndiTreat test a global standard for tumour sensitivity testing, it will be important to have a broad data set. The 2cureX clinical program really supports this and serves as a testimonial to the versatility of the technology.
As you mentioned earlier, you are aiming to launch in 2020. Let us assume that everything works out as planned, where will 2cureX be in a year from now?
– We envision to provide the IndiTreat test for several Cancer Centers 1 year from now.
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